There is no shopping cart on this site for a reason, when you contact Indian Creek Leather Co. you will be talking to me, Gene Weishuhn, the owner and custom leathersmith. I will take your order, I will walk you through the selections and I will answer your questions. We will talk and get to know each other so I can serve you better. I will do this, not some clerk in a box store where everything is shrink wrapped in plastic and only comes in one size and color.
I want you to experience my shop even if you never step foot in it. When you browse my site I want you smell the leather, the dyes, and the oils, I want you to see the bench and the tools that will turn the raw leather into a thing of beauty and function that will last a life time. I want you to enjoy looking at the leather products and see how they are made. To return to a time when things were done right the first time and a handshake was a binding agreement. And when you proudly display your treasure you can tell people, “My friend made this for me”.